John Craig

Author's posts

Individual Standings 11/12/12

Golf Club
Since 1963
Adkins, Gary 390
Ladd, John 379
Craig, John 356
Grebil, Robert 344
Easter, Rick 298
Olson, John 274
Mireles, Bob 247
Gesswein, Rich. 236
Villa, LeRoy 211
Eger, Ron 207
Hove, Jeff 191
Olson, Troy 171
Rifkin, Bob 162
Evans, Rob 158
Liquornik, Ed 150
Barnes, Jim 147
Climehega,John 146
Kullik, Mike 140
Holland, Andy 130
Villa, Bill 127
Grant, Norm 127
Monclus, Alphonzo 124
Robertson, Ned 121
Macaulay, Ken 121
Kohler, Dave 100
Davenport, Rick 99
White, Glen 95
Flores, Fred 89
Crocker, Dave 87
Enger, Ralph 85
Hove, Craig 79
Bristol, Greg 68
Padilla, Victor 66
Kerkering, Mike 62
Wightman,John 57
Wheeler, Steve 53
Nagelmann, Ed 51
Venzor, Chaz 47
Meyer, Carl 45
Scherbarth, Darrell 40
James, David 38
Craig, Paul 23
Palato, Joe 20
Torres, Gilbert 20
Swanson, Bill 8
Rupp, Bill 5
Gesswein, Dennis 0
DeVito, John 0
Padilla, Rich 0
McConnel, Jon 0
Riffero, John 0
Crocker, Erick 0
Zimmer, J. Allen 0
Morriset, John 0
Biklen, Phil 0
Messier, Dick 0
Linker, George 0
Caswell, Ben 0
Coffelt, Ken 0
Gomez, Hank 0
Cochran, Larry 0
Bahre, Shawn 0
Bloomingdale,Jeff 0
Brook, David 0
Crawford, Steve 0
Flores, Jim 0
Gonzales, John 0
Grand, Larry 0
Grava, Josh 0
Griffin, Jim 0
Grimes, Matt 0
Hill, Randy 0
Horton, George 0
Jimenez, Fred 0
Lafferty, Ron 0
Lau, Skip 0
Lima, Bob 0
Lloyd, Bob 0
Martinez, Jesse 0
Palacio, Steve 0
Perez, Ben 0
Porter, Rick 0
Rubino, Rick 0
Shirvanian, Greg 0
Yong, Bruce 0
Young, Carl 0
Zavala, Dave 0
Simon, Howard 0
Ristow, Mike 0
Dellabarca, Salvi 0

Tee Times Buenaventura Golf Course 11/11/12

Team Finals ** $56 inc.crt 14+3+3=20 Tot. $ 76
Time Nov. 11, 2012
10:24 Craig, John Holland, Andy Kerkering, Mike Mireles, Bob
10:33 Ladd, John Barnes, Jim Rifkin, Bob Robertson, Ned
10:42 Mueller, Bob Davenport, Rick Climenhaga, John  McConnel, Jon
10:51 Wheeler, Stephen  James, David Kullik, Mike  Evans, Rob
11:00 Hove, Craig** Grebil, Bob** White, Glen ** Macaulay, Ken**
11:09 Easter, Rick** Adkins, Gary** Hove, Jeff** Olson, John **
 Collecting Dues for 2013, $85  Installation Dinner $28 early $33 at door,Sun.Dec.2 Mulligans,6pm cocktails, 7dinner

Team Standings 10/29/12

2012 Team Play
Money accumulates starting Camarillo Springs,
$10 entry per man # Top 4 Teams in Playoff for $’s
Finals   Nov 11, Buena
29-Oct-12 Congrats to winners
Team Final #1 vs #3 Buenaventura
John Craig# 340 Jim Barnes# 127
Eger, Ron# 167 Rob Evans# 135
Bill Villa# 127 Al Monclus# 72
Norm Grant# 107 Troy Olson# 136
Total Team #2 741 Total Team #4 470
John Olson# 220 Dave Crocker# 25
Ken Macaulay# 46 Erick Crocker#
Gary Adkins# 383 Rick Gesswein# 162
Bob Grebil# 267 Dennis Gesswein#
Total Team #1 916 Total Team 187
Jeff Hove# 136
Craig Hove# 24 John Climenhaga 101
Rick Easter# 340 John Wightman 16
Glenn White# 60 Porter, Rick
Total Team #3 560 Total Team 117

Individual Standings 10/29/12

Golf Club
Since 1963
Ladd, John 379
Craig, John 356
Adkins, Gary 335
Grebil, Robert 289
Easter, Rick 263
Gesswein, Rich. 236
Olson, John 219
Villa, LeRoy 211
Mireles, Bob 209
Eger, Ron 207
Olson, Troy 171
Evans, Rob 158
Hove, Jeff 156
Liquornik, Ed 150
Climehega,John 146
Rifkin, Bob 142
Kullik, Mike 140
Barnes, Jim 127
Villa, Bill 127
Grant, Norm 127
Monclus, Alphonzo 124
Robertson, Ned 121
Kohler, Dave 100
Davenport, Rick 99
Holland, Andy 92
Flores, Fred 89
Crocker, Dave 87
Enger, Ralph 85
Bristol, Greg 68
Macaulay, Ken 66
Padilla, Victor 66
Kerkering, Mike 62
White, Glen 60
Wightman,John 57
Nagelmann, Ed 51
Venzor, Chaz 47
Meyer, Carl 45
Hove, Craig 44
Scherbarth, Darrell 40
Craig, Paul 23
Palato, Joe 20
Torres, Gilbert 20
Wheeler, Steve 15
Swanson, Bill 8
Rupp, Bill 5
Gesswein, Dennis 0
DeVito, John 0
Padilla, Rich 0
McConnel, Jon 0
Riffero, John 0
Crocker, Erick 0
Zimmer, J. Allen 0
Morriset, John 0
Biklen, Phil 0
Messier, Dick 0
Linker, George 0
Caswell, Ben 0
Coffelt, Ken 0
Gomez, Hank 0
Cochran, Larry 0
Bahre, Shawn 0
Banales, Frank 0
Bloomingdale,Jeff 0
Brook, David 0
Crawford, Steve 0
Flores, Jim 0
Gonzales, John 0
Grand, Larry 0
Grava, Josh 0
Griffin, Jim 0
Grimes, Matt 0
Hill, Randy 0
Horton, George 0
Jimenez, Fred 0
Lafferty, Ron 0
Lau, Skip 0
Lima, Bob 0
Lloyd, Bob 0
Martinez, Jesse 0
Palacio, Steve 0
Perez, Ben 0
Porter, Rick 0
Rubino, Rick 0
Shirvanian, Greg 0
Yong, Bruce 0
Young, Carl 0
Zavala, Dave 0
Simon, Howard 0
Ristow, Mike 0
Dellabarca, Salvi 0

Tee Times Santa Barbara Golf Club 10/28/12

S.B.Golf Club Team Simi’s ** Entry
Turkey Shoot 1/2 low field $10 Indi. Wners $10 14+3+3=20
Time Oct. 28, 2012
9:00 Crocker, Dave Kohler, Dave Craig, Paul  Torres, Gil
9:08 Kerkering, Mike Holland, Andy Kullik, Mike Ladd, John
9:15 Villa, LeRoy Robertson, Ned Wheeler, Stephen  France, Howard
9:23 Swanson, Bill Rubino, Rick Flores, Fred  Padilla, Victor
9:30 Caig, John ** Easter, Rick ** Eger, Ron ** Hove, Jeff **
9:38 Villa, Bill ** Hove, Craig ** Grant, Norm ** White,Glen **
9:45 Evans, Rob ** Grebil, Bob ** Macaulay, Ken **  Mireles, Bob
9:53 Adkins, Gary ** Olson, Troy ** Olson, John ** Monclus, Al **

Individual Standings 10/14/12

Golf Club
Since 1963
Ladd, John 359
Craig, John 356
Adkins, Gary 335
Grebil, Robert 269
Easter, Rick 243
Gesswein, Rich. 236
Olson, John 219
Eger, Ron 207
Villa, LeRoy 191
Mireles, Bob 189
Evans, Rob 158
Olson, Troy 151
Liquornik, Ed 150
Climehega,John 146
Rifkin, Bob 142
Kullik, Mike 140
Hove, Jeff 136
Barnes, Jim 127
Villa, Bill 127
Robertson, Ned 121
Grant, Norm 107
Monclus, Alphonzo 104
Kohler, Dave 100
Davenport, Rick 99
Holland, Andy 92
Enger, Ralph 85
Flores, Fred 69
Bristol, Greg 68
Crocker, Dave 67
White, Glen 60
Wightman,John 57
Nagelmann, Ed 51
Venzor, Chaz 47
Macaulay, Ken 46
Padilla, Victor 46
Meyer, Carl 45
Kerkering, Mike 42
Scherbarth, Darrell 40
Hove, Craig 24
Craig, Paul 23
Palato, Joe 20
Wheeler, Steve 15
Swanson, Bill 8
Rupp, Bill 5
Gesswein, Dennis 0
DeVito, John 0
Padilla, Rich 0
McConnel, Jon 0
Riffero, John 0
Crocker, Erick 0
Zimmer, J. Allen 0
Morriset, John 0
Biklen, Phil 0
Messier, Dick 0
Linker, George 0
Caswell, Ben 0
Coffelt, Ken 0
Gomez, Hank 0
Cochran, Larry 0
Bahre, Shawn 0
Banales, Frank 0
Bloomingdale,Jeff 0
Brook, David 0
Crawford, Steve 0
Flores, Jim 0
Gonzales, John 0
Grand, Larry 0
Grava, Josh 0
Griffin, Jim 0
Grimes, Matt 0
Hill, Randy 0
Horton, George 0
Jimenez, Fred 0
Lafferty, Ron 0
Lau, Skip 0
Lima, Bob 0
Lloyd, Bob 0
Mace, Bill 0
Martinez, Jesse 0
Palacio, Steve 0
Perez, Ben 0
Porter, Rick 0
Rubino, Rick 0
Shirvanian, Greg 0
Yong, Bruce 0
Young, Carl 0
Zavala, Dave 0
Simon, Howard 0
Ristow, Mike 0
Dellabarca, Salvi 0

Team Standings 10/14/12

2012 Team Play
Money accumulates starting Camarillo Springs,
$10 entry per man # Top 4 Teams in Playoff for $’s
Finals   Nov 11, Buena
Team Final #1 vs #4 #2 vs #3 At Muni 10/28
John Craig# 340 Jim Barnes# 127
Eger, Ron# 167 Rob Evans# 135
Bill Villa# 127 Al Monclus# 72
Norm Grant# 107 Troy Olson# 136
Total Team #2 741 Total Team #4 470
John Olson# 220 Dave Crocker# 25
Ken Macaulay# 46 Erick Crocker#
Gary Adkins# 383 Rick Gesswein# 162
Bob Grebil# 267 Dennis Gesswein#
Total Team #1 916 Total Team 187
Jeff Hove 136
Craig Hove# 24 John Climenhaga 101
Rick Easter 340 John Wightman 16
Glenn White 60 Porter, Rick
Total Team #3 560 Total Team 117
Total Team 0 Total Team 0
# Indicates Pd.

Tee Times 10/14/12

Los Paisanos Since 1963
Ojai Valley Inn & Spa Entry
$79 inc.crt&rng 14+3+3=20 Tot. $ 99+tip
Time Oct. 14, 2012
12:00 Craig, John Gesswein, Rick Craig, Paul
12:10 Holland, Andy Olson, Troy Olson, John Rupp, Bill
12:20 White, Glen Hove, Jeff Easter,  Rick
12:30 Kullik, Mike Ladd, John Zimmer, Allen
12:40 Villa, LeRoy Mueller, Bob Barnes, Jim Rifkin, Bob
12:50 Adkins, Gary  Grebil, Gary Macaulay, Ken Sherbarth, Darryl


Tee Times 10/14/12

Los Paisanos Since 1963
Ojai Valley Inn & Spa Entry
$79 inc.crt&rng 14+3+3=20 Tot. $ 99+tip
Time Oct. 14, 2012
12:00 Craig, John Nagelmann, Ed Gesswein, Rick Craig, Paul
12:10 Holland, Andy Olson, Troy Olson, John Rupp, Bill
12:20 White, Glen Hove, Jeff Easter,  Rick Mireles, Bob
12:30 Kullik, Mike Ladd, John Zimmer, Allen
12:40 Villa, LeRoy Mueller, Bob Barnes, Jim Rifkin, Bob
1:00 Adkins, Gary Grebil, Bob Macaulay, Ken Sherbarth, Darryl
If you have a friend that might want to play. Let me  no
$79 on Sun. at the Inn 5hrs who cares

Tee Times 10/14/12

Los Paisanos Since 1963
Ojai Valley Inn & Spa Entry
$79 inc.crt&rng 14+3+3=20 Tot. $ 99+tip
Time Oct. 14, 2012
12:00 Craig, John Nagelmann, Ed Gesswein, Rick Craig, Paul
12:10 Holland, Andy Olson, Troy Olson, John Rupp, Bill
12:20 White, Glen Hove, Jeff Easter,  Rick Mireles, Bob
12:30 Kullik, Mike Ladd, John Zimmer, Allen
12:40 Villa, LeRoy Mueller, Bob Barnes, Jim Rifkin, Bob
1:00 Adkins, Gary Grebil, Bob Macaulay, Ken Sherbarth, Darryl
If you have a friend that might want to play. Let me  no
$79 on Sun. at the Inn 5hrs who cares