Individual net
A flight
Low gross: john olson
79 $40
Net: 1st
allen zimmer
69 $40
2nd tie:
4th mike kullik 71
b flight
low gross: john Wightman 91
net: 1st fred
2nd jim
3rd dave crocker 75
4th tie: ben caswell & bob grebil 76 $4
closest to the pin
#5 dave Rasmussen 15’-7”,
#8 john craig 5’-3”,
#13 bob grebil 33’,
#17 john olson 6’-5”
gross: $7 each,
#3 tom curran,
#6 bob mireles,
#7 mike kerkering,
#9 allen
zimmer, #10
#17 john olson
net: $7 each,
#1 glen white, #3 tom curran, #6 bob mireles,
#7 mike kerkering, #8 jim
flores, #9
allen zimmer, #10
#15 dave rasmussen